The "Le Turlutain" Paper Roll Shop
We are the French specialists for barrel organ paper rolls, Our experience in this domain since 1981 allows us to produce the most popular rolls for different common scales, i.e. 20, 26 & 31 notes German scales, 27 & 27/29 French scales, 20 note Seraphone/Celestina/Mandolina/Musette, and 22 notes Mignon scales,
20 Séraphone / Chanterue / Bijou / Celestina
20 Raffin / Pauliphonic / Bijou / Erman / Höffle
20 Bijou Orchestrone - Peerless
22 Mignon
26 German
27/29 Chante-pro
27 Pauliphonic / Raffin / Bijou / Erman
31 Raffin